Saturday, February 21, 2009

The echo = LIFE

One day a child and his father are walking along in forest. Along the way the father tells a story about something matter, suddenly the child is fallen, “…Ouch..!!”
The child surprised hear rallying call voice in common in the distance, “..Ouch..”.
He screams again, “..Hey..who are you..?” Same response “..Hey..who are you..?”
He dejected, and say “..Hey..Idiot..” and the same answer, “Hey..Idiot..”
He ask to his father, “..What's happened..?”
The father answers at the same time smiled, “ My child…try pay attention..”
Then the father screams loudly, “ I Love You..”, voice in the distance answers “..I Love You..”.
Then scream again, “ You are Great..”, answered again “ You are Great..”
The child surprise and not understand, explained by its father.
“..That Voice is ECHO.., that echo real is LIFE..”

Life gives feed back to the all your utterance and actions. Our Life is a reflection to the our action and utterance.
More and more we frequently release kindliness, then will return that kindliness, increasingly we frequently release ugliness, more and more will accept that ugliness.
Life will give return everything that already you give to it, life is not a accidental but a your shadow.

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