Monday, September 29, 2008

Ready to lose and win, Its Democracy.

When Barack Obama with Hillary Clinton compete in convention, both politician lit into each other in direct debate and also statement in its campaign. both politician in each other reciprocates with killing statements each other. At the end of convention, Barack Obama wins the convention, then what that does so at Hillary Clinton, wheter angry ? wheter sue to court, wheter mobilize of people ?
Hillary Clinton congratulate, yield something up and will support fully nomination Obama.

At era Mohammed with 4 caliphs its, Abubakar Asshidiq, Umar bin Khattab, Utsman bin Affan and Ali bin Abi Thalib for example ideal bonds of friendship of leader.
Charisma Abubakar is never misused to influence power Mohammed, also bravery Umar bin Khattab is never misused to conduct leadership coup d'etat Mohammed.

Then what the happened in Indonesia ? From seat of government to local government, nothing that follow the example of both story above, each other blame, feel most correctness, feel most defend the people.
Charisma is used for mobilize the people, economy power is used to pressure of economy someone.
Altogether act on behalf of democracy. What's wrong with our democracy ?
Altogether begin from Mentality, paradigm that is being built by colonist till now has been patched in our mind. Very sophisticated colonization Pattern, in physical/hardware has independenced but in soul, mind/software basically has been colonized.
Democracy is interpreted as a means of to reach target must wins, though democracy can be interpreted simply is ready for lose and win.
In 2009 in Indonesia will take place election of the future leader, in case of just leaders follow the example of both story above, I sure people will not be made tool for reach the power. People that already depressed with difficult its economy, People is confronted with police.

Its a Pity………

(Inspired by article in PIKIRAN RAKYAT, 29 September 2008, page 17)

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Sunday, September 28, 2008

Self Motivation and Its Importance

by: samlord

Self motivation is very important. There are several reasons for self motivation being so important in a person’s life. Everyone needs to be self motivated.
Who needs motivation? All of us do. In this world of tough competition, stress and hectic lifestyle, one surely requires a driving force to get going. It is very important to keep up the good work.
These days, with so many challenges and a lot of competition one needs to survive, self motivation works like confidence enhancer. It boosts once enthusiasm and provides energy to work.
Self motivation is known as the most important factor in your life. If you are looking for success in any area of your life, you need self motivation. Self motivation plays an important role in enhancing your self esteem. It cultivates a desire to do something in life. Experts in the past have believed and even proved that when self motivation is combined with self determination, one can easily move mountains and find water in deserts.
There are several things one can get motivated with. People get motivated by their strong belief in the almighty. They can even get motivated by an experience they have had or by any other factor. These things just encourage you to change your perspective in life. One can change in to a better person or a better business person with self motivation.
People usually go through happy and sad times in their lives. When thing go awry, you need to support yourself, your family and people around you. This needs a good amount of energy force in you. When providing support and encouragement to your family and friends, you need to be really strong.
Some people are lucky to have good support in the times of pathos. However, some are left alone and require a lot of courage to survive tough times. At such times, one need to get motivates or motivates oneself. Lack of self motivation at such times can be damaging and even complicate your life further.

Mentioned below are some strong reasons on why you require self motivation:
- Self motivation is extremely important when it comes to accepting challenges and opportunities in life.
- The force of self motivation helps in planning your life and easing the difficulties.
- Self motivation provides a new sense of purpose and direction to your life.
- Self motivation is important to provide enthusiasm in life.
- Self motivation lets you live a fulfilling life.
- You can empower and encourage yourself to face tough times and competition in life with the help of self motivation.
- Self motivations fill you with positive energy and boost your enthusiasm.
- Self motivation is important for your existence. It provides you an identity for yourself.

Motivation is a kind of driving force that encourages an individual to get going. It is a kind of boost to the self confidence, faith and inner conscience of a person. All of us look for some kind of motivation in life. It is almost impossible to face a competition, achieve success of accomplish a goal without motivation.

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Thursday, September 25, 2008

Focus, focus and focus

There are 10 sprinter top of the world joint in a competition, 100 metres, one of them is Mardi Lestari from Indonesia. At 3 minute, Mardi Lestari leading and followed later by Kaspo second sprinter from Indramayu and Carl Lewis third sprinter from the United States. Contest between all three very attractive, between Mardi Lestari, Carl Lewis and Kaspo each other catch ups catch up. Minute 5th, Mardi Lestari still leads, minute to 7 Mardi Lestaris still lead and He start behold rear, see its opponent position. Minute 8th, Mardi Lestari often look backward toes, its monitor of opponent position. Growing often look backward, Mardi Lestari loses concentration, he no concerned about direction in front its and its speed unstable. Mardi Lestari is not aware of this problem, with often look backward, at minute 10th Kaspo can pass his position . See Kaspo precede it, Mardi Lestari becomes emotional and he goes all out to fight against Kaspo, nevertheless too late, Kaspo passes Finish and be a winner.

What's happened of Mardi Lestari ?
He does not FOCUS at goals, he more concerned about others ( growing often look backward to) he has lessened concentration, lessen focus.
Focus, is of vital importance matter, good for business or life.
In business, we needn't frequently see competitor growth, focus)at what must we conduct, maintain quality from product, maintain quality from existing resources. See competitor growth is smallest part from our job not a great deal of our job.

Focus..focus and focus

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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Set Minded

Today the weather very hot, I feel thirsty. Meanwhile my eye can not be opened because sunshine so bedazzles my eye.
I cancel my plan goes to brother place, I cancel meeting with my business collegaue.
In case of just not in one this heat, I can meet with my brother, even I possibility gets my business order. Intrude altogether, why hot, when downwards rain, Why God creates during heat, why Hot..?

Human sometimes never thank goodnesses, God creates heat, human asks rain fall, when create human rain asks heat.
That what already God creating is the best, and sure the best. In consequence, in order to we can live it up, set minded we are must arranged, we must positive think.
We sometime egoist with only see our own matter, though when heat weather, creature besides the we require it, like farmer that await result in rice field, good fruit is fruit that always illuminated by sun.
Also when rain fall, maybe time rain fall we not expect rain fall, but in other place rain is required by farmer, rain is required by life people in area that water insuffiency

Then in consequence, set minded we must either in face of every occurence. Sure returned God rule, there is which are positive matter. Our own that always blame others, because we never see others importance.

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Saturday, September 20, 2008

Life in the World

We unconscious that life in the world of this a prison.
Let's behold rear, our ancestor Adam and Eve. And such as those which we know Adam and Eve come to this world in status serve time, because of has against the law of God's command.
This World is only temporary residence for offspring Adam and Eve. In consequence, very wrong if human makes this world as place to have fun, more than anything else assume this world anything, a place to create secular power.
If we understand of its reality a prison, we will not off hand have fun make account of earthly matter, but actually this world place to introspect.
It is not mean us surrenderness guilty of no that anything because prison status, but our this world must can look for how this body remain to expand. This Body needs eat and drink, to reach eat and drink that we must move to do something, we must try and we must look for quality from that food and beverage. That means in achieving food and beverage with quality that must by the way of that with quality also, not got from unlawfull.
Besides food and beverage, we also need spirit need. To reach spirit need that with quality, we must hold onto at mind that, today should be better than last day and tomorrow should be better than today. With at that rule, our life quality will be good.
If beverage, food and spirit that with quality, world as the prison place can assign value quality from human it self, and if finish serve time serve a sentence and exit from prison (read:world) and come into eternal life, our quality as the offspring Adam and Eve for foothold in “eternal world”.

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Saturday, September 13, 2008

13 people die cause alcohol

At the beginning I do not believe, I heard from the news on Septembers 10, 2008 from a TV station, that in an area in West Java is in the Losarang, Indramayu County, 7 people die because alcoholic drink party, the next day are reported on that die become 13 people. Two days later identified there are 40 people whos experience of clinical symptom same as that happened at one who die referred.
They die because alcoholic drink, the drinking is brand ‘V’ mixed with spiritus (rubbing alcoholic), supplement water and other (I do not know the name it yet). Really shocked, with just alcoholic has been dangerous, more than anything else added with spiritus, very stupid.
I live in Bandung, Indonesia, I born in the countryside that Losarang, my parents live in Losarang now. As far as I know this area safe and traditional . Most of people of Losarang after finish Elementary school goes to city, to continue secondary school. This Habit seen to be has losed because now at Losarang there are junior and senior high school.
Much residents this countryside a success become leader in government, one of them is General of Police, Mr. Da’i Bachtiar as a Chief of police of Republic Indonesia and I…. as the blogger…:)

Then, what does happened die it to 13 the person in questions..?
I think, probably because affected by television show and era change and rural change of tradition habit. Era Change is not supplied by intellectual changes, they only as the follower and epoch victim. How the average old are they..? 22 years old..!

Changes in anything can not avoid.

From family environment that first of all must prepared, begin at its education preparation and also from religion education.

What a pity in age still young, they die because alcoholic.

Hopefully God forgives their sins. Amen

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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I Think I Can. I Think I Can. Can I?

I Think I Can. I Think I Can. Can I?
by: Michele Wahlder

I think I can. I think I can. Can I?

Your mental train ticket to self-empowerment

We all find ourselves at certain points in our lives holding first class tickets to negative mental trains of thought. Michele Wahlder (MS, LPC, PCC), a two-time cancer survivor and Dallas, Texas-based Certified Life Coach and Psychotherapist, has placed thousands of people on the right track to self-empowerment via a plan she calls the 5 C Process. The journey challenges individuals to:

One : Clarify Current View – Where are you now- honestly?

Conscious awareness of your current view is the first step in becoming the best you can be. Getting clear about how your life aligns with your values, talents and unique gifts is vital to your happiness. You need to know where you are in order to learn where you want to go.
You can clarify your current view by completing a review of eight life areas. Be honest with yourself about how happy are you with your profession, finances, health and overall well-being, primary relationships, personal development, spirituality, environment, hobbies, etc.

Two : Connect with Your Highest Vision – Where do you want to be?

Example: A client of mine, a yoga instructor, decided she was happy teaching but wanted to contribute to the world on a larger level. She wasn’t happy with the quality of the yoga clothing that was accessible to her and her fellow yogis. Her vision was to design and create fun, hip and timeless yoga clothes using eco-conscious fabrics.

You have to get really clear about what you want. It is crucial that you connect to your highest vision of yourself because you can’t create it unless you are clear about what it looks like. If you don’t have a vision of where you want to go or what you want to be, you will most likely NOT get there. To quote Henrietta Klauser, “If you have a connection to what you want, take the next step and write it down.” If you don’t have any idea about what you want, or how you want to be in life to bring about greater happiness, begin looking through magazines and create a Vision Board/Collage of what attracts you. You may also want to consider getting an outside perspective from a friend or a professional coach. I take my clients through a guided imagery that gives them a glimpse of what their future could look like. There are also books that can help guide you. Just get help assessing your talents, divine gifts and abilities and then determine how you want to use them more fully in the world. We can’t help others as fully, if we are not aware of how we can best serve. So instead of thinking of it as selfish to engage in knowing yourself better, I would suggest you consider it selfish to hold back and not be the best you can be. Only in this way, can we help the world and others.

Three : Create Inspiring Goals – How will you get there?

Example: My client created a tiered plan of what needed to happen step by step – outer goal. All of this was influenced by her inner goal of keeping a measured pace and a balanced life. Her goal was to enjoy the process.

You have to create a plan and take specific actions to get you from where you are now to where you want to be. When most people write goals, they just write a list of action steps, usually external actions. I believe it is more powerful to have inner and outer goals. An outer goal is what you want. For instance, you might think, “I want a new house”. An inner goal is more focused on the how. How will a new home benefit me and my family? Will it offer more common gathering areas, a larger kitchen so that we can cook together, etc.? How can I appreciate what I have now until I get this home? How can I make this a joyful experience rather than a stressful one? If you can not be grateful for what you have now, then when you get a new home, it will only create very short-term happiness for you. Then, you will be focused on the next external illusion of happiness. For 2008, I suggest taking at least three of the life areas I mentioned earlier and jot down how you couldbenefit from living your highest vision in each area. Next, add action steps toward your desired achievements along with completion dates.

Four : Clear Obstacles – How will you remove obstacles in your way?

We all have dreams and visions for our life, but frankly, there are many things that can get in the way. The two most common obstacles I see with my clients are:

The inability to say NO— In order to bridge the gap from your current view to your highest vision, you have to make room for what “Could Be”. If your life is full and you want to add more of the things that are truly important in your life, you should start the change process by making room first. You must say no to some things in your life, so you can say yes to what is most important. You have to give up the destructive habits, behaviors and activities to make room for new ones.

A metaphor would be a water hose watering a flowering plant. The water in the hose is your life force and the flowering plant is what you are trying to grow in your life. If the water hose has leaks, it will not have enough water or life force/energy to reach its desired outcome or vision (to grow the plant into full bloom). Examples of leaks might include toxic friendships, unrealistic expectations, watching too much television, eating sugar, overspending, negative relational patterns with your spouse or working on an outdated job.

Example: A client’s obstacle here was that her 8- year-old daughter needed caring for and she was afraid she wouldn’t be able to be a good mother plus jumpstart a successful, new business. We remedied this issue by getting clear on the proper definition of a good mother. Also, practically speaking, she needed help picking up her daughter from school. So she got her husband to assist her in this area so she would have time to create this new business.

Negative self-talk—Research shows we have approximately 50,000 internal messages we say to ourselves daily. We are constantly walking around having conversations with ourselves. And it is what we say that makes all the difference in the overall quality of our lives.

Example: I was once in Starbucks, and I watched this woman spill her coffee while reaching for a sugar packet and I heard her say out loud, “I’m so stupid. I can’t believe I did that.”

Now, I just happen to hear her, but this is an example of something you might say internally as well. You might think, “No big deal. I say things like this to myself all the time.” Well, IT IS A BIG DEAL as our subconscious hears these messages and acts on them as if they were real. Don’t say anything to yourself that you wouldn’t want someone else saying to you.

Think of self-talk like mental fuel. Now, imagine filling your car with dirty water. We all know you wouldn’t get very far. Now, take that same car and fill it with high quality gasoline. You’ll most likely reach your destination. It is the same with people and the words we use. If the words are negative and toxic, we will sputter along with low energy and our performance suffers. If our words are positive and tender, we will feel confident, energized, encouraged and will most likely meet our goals faster and easier. Here are some key things to remember if you ever find yourself preparing to board the train of BAD self-talk:

B– stands for belittling self-talk. Stop telling yourself, “I am not good enough.” If your dream is to have a healthy self-confidence, which of the following examples is more likely to get your there:

A. “I’m so stupid. I can’t believe I did that.”

B. “Whoops, mistakes happen.”

Can you see how the Answer B is much kinder?

A – stands for awfulizing. Stop predicting a future filled with gloom and doom, and dwelling on scary thoughts. If you dream of obtaining a career you love, which of the following will move you closer to your vision:

A. “I did terribly on my interview, I’ll never find a job I like.”

B. “I will answer that question on past employment differently next time and I will ace it! I know I will one day have the job I love.”

Can you see how Answer B places you in the mindset of a successful job search?

D – stands for deceiving. This is when you deceive yourself into thinking you are a victim, and that other people are to blame for your circumstances. If we want a happy relationship which will of the below responses will aid in achieving this goal:

A. “If my spouse would only do more around the house, then I would be happy.”

B. “I can and will choose happiness today, no matter what my spouse does.”

Answer B is the right choice, wouldn’t you agree?

S – stands for shoulding – This is when you give yourself a lot of shoulds, musts, and ought tos, then beat yourself up for not living up to unrealistic standards. Say your dream is to be in top physical condition, which will further that:

A. “I should have eaten a salad for lunch instead of that big ol’ hamburger. I’m such a pig!”

B. “I could have eaten a salad, but I chose not to. Tomorrow I will make healthier choices.”

The second choice is so much more inspiring, don’t you think?

Five : Commit to Action – Are you willing to do what it takes?

The final step of the 5 C Process is to commit to action. How many times have we all made plans and never carried them out, or started off excited and lost motivation? No one ever does anything great alone. We all need encouragement and support from others including an accountability partner who is willing to help hold the vision of the person you want to be. In the previous example of my client, her biggest negative self-talk was how to be a good mom and a good business woman. Her thoughts were, “If I don’t pick up my child every day from school, I am a bad mother.” Instead, we replaced it with, “Picking up my child from school daily is not what makes me a good mother. I am, indeed, a fabulous mother.”

Here are the four action steps that have been proven to help you eliminate your negative self talk:

• Become aware of your negative messages –listen to voice in head
• Stop! You have to stop immediately if you find yourself dwelling on any negative thoughts
• Replace negative thoughts with a kinder alternatives
• Practice. It takes a commitment of time in order to turn a pattern of negative thinking into a more positive train of thought.

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Monday, September 8, 2008

Set Your Target High

Statement above impressed bluff, too abundant and not measure ability, but if autosuggestion is referred [as] always we say, always we remember everyday, then our mind will always head for in common with word that always we say. Positive Autosuggestion that always input into mind, brought us always positive thinking.
How relation between positive thinking and autosuggestion that always we input in our mind ?
For example, if autosuggestion that we input such as those which written above (set your goals high), then our subconscious mind will lead supportive activity up at the target.
According to John Milton :

Mind is a your place where can create hell and heaven for your life. “

The statement of John Milton is clear, if positive autosuggestions that always fill into our mind then we can feel its heaven, if autosuggestion negative that always fill into our mind then we also feel hell. Understanding of hell or heaven here not meaning actually, but suitability or not toward an expectancy.
What kind of positive input that can produce positive thinking process..?
A.N Ubaedy in its book that entitle Kedahsyatan Berpikir Positif page 13, criteria thinking is :
- Correctness (not infringe of values that correctness)
- Good ( for us, others and environment )
- Useful (produce a matter of good for)
On the contrary if autosuggestions negative that enter in our mind, will be formed pessimist pattern, idler pattern and only want to be spectator not player.
If there is one who always complains, unhappy, I will not succeed and negative other, rather than that man has no bliss or successfullness (not they have no bliss), but that man creates conclusion to the negative mind its.
I ever follow training, how conduct auto autosuggestion, every morning, in front of mirror by saying which are positive matter something. The result is when us exit house to work or learn or follow other activity that I feeling is spirit, spirit of life.

Set your target high, don't debase yourself by doing negative thinking.

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