Sunday, August 17, 2008

...Management by a must...!

Today, Indonesia celebrates its independence, 63 year Indonesia independence. Already much sacrifices that have been conducted, either by history perpetrator or by all Indonesia nations entered government. Year after year Indonesia experiences of change, nevertheless change is referred [as] never consistence and continuous. Go forward one step, retreat three steps. At this time (June 2008) base data from Badan Statistik Nasional economy growth rate Indonesia as high as 6,36 % from goals 6,40 %. See number is referred positive, but base previous experiences number is referred on the turn toward negative. Why…? Because always pursue result, not made balance to by fundamental approach. In case of just goals attainment is referred as followed with change of society patterned thinking and government, I sure attainments it would be consistence toward positive from year to year. In other word to reach a goals, besides focus to goals it self, we also must passed by process that correctness. (by process and by result)
Sometimes we forget and disregard this process, we assume inconsequential, we always focus to goals only, though by process that true for reach goals is not matter difficult. If only goals talking, people tendency permits all way, always use shortcut and unusual work systematic.
Patterned thinking of all government, feudalism pattern, pattern priyayisme must immediately to alter. This patterns only creates ABS (Asal Bapak Senang/Boss Happy), government officer that only like praised, government officer that only want to served, government officer that only want to win by it self.
Education Budget that allocated 20% in APBN (Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara) besides for physical repair also for soul repair pass by trainings, seminars and education other.
America, Singapore and other Developed countries first is how prepare its the rising generation with education that not only talking about knowledge but talking about knowledge meaning it self. Until what they do understand its nucleus, not only can conduct it.
In 1999, my friend, employee at new company in China. Required at that moment (in 1997) licensing for new company must keep (deposit) Fund of Planting, from number amount at that time is very big. This Fund can be taken return if company has executed. To prove has executed is must made an audit of by duty in charge government. In 2000, company conducts claim to the Planting fund referred, in course of claim are referred not complicated by government officer, really helped. When realization, my friend gives little thought and grateful, but what happened…? Government officer is referred say, “…my forgiveness do not want to accept, what already I conducting is my obligation helps, that my job…”. Though us know, how government officer habit when last. Why change like that, they change to prepare China enter World Trade Organization (WTO).
Still in China, on the happening of leakage of water relocation basin, a employees (education STM) with its creativity can repair leakage is referred, though at that time has been conducted effort repair it by entangle third party. Company gives appreciation to employees referred because give idea contribution, but employees is referred say “….that forgiveness my obligation as worker..”.
From above mentioned story its process not sudden but has been started from children. Way of thinking has been must taught from start children, started from smallest environment that is family. Indonesia will awaken become Big country, this is moment that snugly in this Independence Day, begin at small, for this day forward our patterned thinking.
Viva Indonesia.

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