Saturday, January 10, 2009

I will do pilgrim in 2009, must..!

Dream, yes..this is my dream in 2009, one from some my dreams. Sometime I also think where from its expense. Let all my bodies, my faith and my mind makes a sinergy that aim at my target.

One who have dream, will differ from one who has no dreams. It is of course to reach that dream no motion and no doing. By dream, motivated life, life is always arranged in order to small goal is must fulfilled. Big goals is made by small goals attainment.

People may tell, dream that waste time and useless, but people sometime unconscious, technology that we enjoy now are result of people have a dreams first. If Thomas Alfa Edison have no dream, maybe at this time, world is dark.

The dream are must formed and said everyday, the dream are must measured and detail. Dream that not measured and not detail, this whose name is fantasy. Fantasy.. this useless. One who fancies, only await and expect others comes and give something.
There is no effort, how reach that dream…?

Forthright, religious service pilgrim is aspiration of all Islam peoples in the world, besides completion and complement from other religious services. It is true, not obliged for the things unable to. Understanding can this, sometime many interpreted only seen from the view of matter or money only. Though understanding can here, very wide, can mentally or faith, physical and money.

Ok…back to my topic, why I make dream in 2009 to execute of pilgrim, though myself do not knows where from the coming of my ability, financial ability, I trust in God ability.
But I trust of my mind, to reach my dream.

The power of my mind and my willing will synergy with God's power.

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