Monday, September 29, 2008

Ready to lose and win, Its Democracy.

When Barack Obama with Hillary Clinton compete in convention, both politician lit into each other in direct debate and also statement in its campaign. both politician in each other reciprocates with killing statements each other. At the end of convention, Barack Obama wins the convention, then what that does so at Hillary Clinton, wheter angry ? wheter sue to court, wheter mobilize of people ?
Hillary Clinton congratulate, yield something up and will support fully nomination Obama.

At era Mohammed with 4 caliphs its, Abubakar Asshidiq, Umar bin Khattab, Utsman bin Affan and Ali bin Abi Thalib for example ideal bonds of friendship of leader.
Charisma Abubakar is never misused to influence power Mohammed, also bravery Umar bin Khattab is never misused to conduct leadership coup d'etat Mohammed.

Then what the happened in Indonesia ? From seat of government to local government, nothing that follow the example of both story above, each other blame, feel most correctness, feel most defend the people.
Charisma is used for mobilize the people, economy power is used to pressure of economy someone.
Altogether act on behalf of democracy. What's wrong with our democracy ?
Altogether begin from Mentality, paradigm that is being built by colonist till now has been patched in our mind. Very sophisticated colonization Pattern, in physical/hardware has independenced but in soul, mind/software basically has been colonized.
Democracy is interpreted as a means of to reach target must wins, though democracy can be interpreted simply is ready for lose and win.
In 2009 in Indonesia will take place election of the future leader, in case of just leaders follow the example of both story above, I sure people will not be made tool for reach the power. People that already depressed with difficult its economy, People is confronted with police.

Its a Pity………

(Inspired by article in PIKIRAN RAKYAT, 29 September 2008, page 17)

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