Monday, September 8, 2008

Set Your Target High

Statement above impressed bluff, too abundant and not measure ability, but if autosuggestion is referred [as] always we say, always we remember everyday, then our mind will always head for in common with word that always we say. Positive Autosuggestion that always input into mind, brought us always positive thinking.
How relation between positive thinking and autosuggestion that always we input in our mind ?
For example, if autosuggestion that we input such as those which written above (set your goals high), then our subconscious mind will lead supportive activity up at the target.
According to John Milton :

Mind is a your place where can create hell and heaven for your life. “

The statement of John Milton is clear, if positive autosuggestions that always fill into our mind then we can feel its heaven, if autosuggestion negative that always fill into our mind then we also feel hell. Understanding of hell or heaven here not meaning actually, but suitability or not toward an expectancy.
What kind of positive input that can produce positive thinking process..?
A.N Ubaedy in its book that entitle Kedahsyatan Berpikir Positif page 13, criteria thinking is :
- Correctness (not infringe of values that correctness)
- Good ( for us, others and environment )
- Useful (produce a matter of good for)
On the contrary if autosuggestions negative that enter in our mind, will be formed pessimist pattern, idler pattern and only want to be spectator not player.
If there is one who always complains, unhappy, I will not succeed and negative other, rather than that man has no bliss or successfullness (not they have no bliss), but that man creates conclusion to the negative mind its.
I ever follow training, how conduct auto autosuggestion, every morning, in front of mirror by saying which are positive matter something. The result is when us exit house to work or learn or follow other activity that I feeling is spirit, spirit of life.

Set your target high, don't debase yourself by doing negative thinking.

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