Saturday, September 13, 2008

13 people die cause alcohol

At the beginning I do not believe, I heard from the news on Septembers 10, 2008 from a TV station, that in an area in West Java is in the Losarang, Indramayu County, 7 people die because alcoholic drink party, the next day are reported on that die become 13 people. Two days later identified there are 40 people whos experience of clinical symptom same as that happened at one who die referred.
They die because alcoholic drink, the drinking is brand ‘V’ mixed with spiritus (rubbing alcoholic), supplement water and other (I do not know the name it yet). Really shocked, with just alcoholic has been dangerous, more than anything else added with spiritus, very stupid.
I live in Bandung, Indonesia, I born in the countryside that Losarang, my parents live in Losarang now. As far as I know this area safe and traditional . Most of people of Losarang after finish Elementary school goes to city, to continue secondary school. This Habit seen to be has losed because now at Losarang there are junior and senior high school.
Much residents this countryside a success become leader in government, one of them is General of Police, Mr. Da’i Bachtiar as a Chief of police of Republic Indonesia and I…. as the blogger…:)

Then, what does happened die it to 13 the person in questions..?
I think, probably because affected by television show and era change and rural change of tradition habit. Era Change is not supplied by intellectual changes, they only as the follower and epoch victim. How the average old are they..? 22 years old..!

Changes in anything can not avoid.

From family environment that first of all must prepared, begin at its education preparation and also from religion education.

What a pity in age still young, they die because alcoholic.

Hopefully God forgives their sins. Amen

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